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Why is it Important to Have Your Tyres Checked Regularly

April 9, 2016

Why is it Important to Have Your Tyres Checked Regularly?


One of the most important yet often ignored car safety precautions is checking your tyres on a regular basis. After all, tyres are the sole point of contact between your car and the road, with the air inside them supporting the weight of your vehicle. When they’re in perfect working condition, they help secure your safety and don’t disrupt the driving experience.


  1. Monthly tyre pressure check


The recommended tyre pressure will be mentioned in the user manual, on the inside of the fuel flap, or on a label on your car door. It is critical that the tyres maintain this tyre pressure. Over or under inflation can cause uneven wear and affect their longevity. Importantly, it can affect cornering, stability and braking. Low tyre pressure can also increase fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Tyre under inflated by even 1 bar can drive up fuel consumption by 6 per cent.


Get your tyre pressure checked at least once a month; more regularly during warm weather when they usually lose more air; and before and after a long journey.


  1. Monthly tire tread wear check


Low tyre tread depth increases the risk of tyre failure and hydroplaning, where standing water, slush or snow causes the wheels to lose contact with the road surface and makes your vehicle slide out of control. It is especially important to check tyre tread depth during the winter months.


The legal minimum tread depth is 1.6mm. Tread wear indicators are also moulded into the base of the main grooves. When the tread surface wears down to the same level as the indicators, it means the tyres are at the legal limit and require replacement. A tread depth gauge is used to measure tread depth. But if you have any doubts or feel like you’ve not measured the tread depth accurately, it is best to let auto centre experts handle the job.


  1. Tyre valves


Over time, the rubber valves of your tyres will wear out and deteriorate, causing air loss. The valve cap can also suffer damage and fail to perform its main function: keeping out dirt and dust particles. By checking tyre valves and caps periodically, you can ensure an airtight seal, the correct tire pressure, and extend the life of your tyres.


  1. Tyre servicing


The performance of and wear-and-tear sustained by your car’s tyres is dependent on a variety of factors. Periodic tyre inspection can reveal if your tyres need servicing or they must be replaced. At the very least – an annual inspection must be performed – and if your tyres have been in use for ten years now, it’s time to get a new set.


Baldoyle Auto Centre’s free tyre digital scan provides a detailed thread analyist of the condition of your tyres. Get your report and take the best course of action for optimal safety and a superior driving experience.

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